Dear Emily

Happy day this and thatters!!  I'm super pumped about starting a new short, month are you?!  I am literally counting the days until spring :)  

I hope you enjoy this edition of Dear Emily!


Dear Emily,

You are such a big girl now!  You don't look like a baby anymore you look like a toddler.  You are growing and getting bigger right before my eyes.  

I love your personality!  It is strong and certain which I love and which also challenges me.  I love that you don't take no for an answer :) most of the time!  It is such an amazing experience to watch you come into your own.  I truly feel blessed.

You are such a daddy's girl!  Right now he is the only one who can change your diaper, feed you dinner etc.  I am chopped liver for sure!  But I have to tell you I absolutely love watching it.  Seeing the love in your eyes for your dad is awe inspiring.  And seeing how amazingly patient, kind and loving he is with you makes me melt.  

Right now we can take you out to dinner and don't have to bring a thing!!  That is so crazy to me.  You sit in your seat and eat your little meal without incident (for the most part).  Let's just say I'm always picking up food off the floor before we leave, ha :)

You are becoming a full blown toddler and I am so excited for what's next but I am also sad that it's going by so fast.  I pick up an old toy or teether and think where did those days go?  It makes me happy and sad all at the same time.  

I am so happy your happy little one!  I am so happy that you are growing, changing and becoming exactly who you should be.  I am so happy I am along for this incredible journey.

I love you to the moon and back,




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