Random Goodies

Happy Snow Day (state of emergency) this and thatters!  Here in Georgia we are hunkering down for some potential bad weather.  

The bad weather, coupled with me being sick have given me a serious case of cabin fever!  So get ready for some randomness on the blog today.


1. Rehab Addict

I am constantly looking for things the hubs and I can watch together while we wait for Homeland, Mad Men and House of Cards to come back on.  Luckily, I discovered Rehab Addict and I have officially become obsessed.  While I think the hubs enjoys it I am full out in love with the show and watch it all the time!

2.  Spring Cleaning

I don't know what has gotten into me but I've been doing spring cleaning a bit early!  The hubs and I have been flipping mattresses, washing everything in site and in general getting our life together.  I think when you move you are just trying to get everything in and settled.  Once you've lived there for a while the need to truly make it your own becomes overwhelming.  One step I have to take in making something my own is getting my hands dirty!!

3.  Young Living Oil Diffuser

I've blogged before about my love of oils.  I recently purchased a diffuser to use with my oils and I love it!  It is so nice to use at the end of the day to relax and also help whatever is ailing you.  I also feel like it is another way to make the most out of your oils.  Don't get me wrong I still love applying them directly but this is another great way to utilize them!

Click here!


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