The Bad Days

I'm typing this post with no title right now.  I will think of a title later one that may not be catchy or clever because I'm tired.  

I'm tired of being an adult, being in charge and having to think about very grown up things.  I'm not sure how or when it happened that I ended up becoming an adult?  and a mother? and a wife? and someone who is in charge of a bunch of other shizz?

I sometimes still feel 25 and then I look in the mirror at the crows feet marching across my face and I am reminded I am indeed 34 going on 35.  When I look in the mirror I see someone who has dark circles under her eyes, who needs a facial and some highlights stat.  Those are surface and superficial but those things happening would increase my overall mood.

When I'm looking in the mirror I also see someone who is tired.  Someone who spends her free time crossing items off her to do list and racing against a clock and always losing.  Someone who is trying to juggle a million things, someone who is trying to be better than I was the day before and someone who is burning the candle at both ends.  

Most days I am good and I have a pretty high tolerance for stress.  Other days I don't.   Other days I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and I feel like I'm never going to get it all done.  And I'm learning to accept those days, to not fight them but to let them be what they will be.  

Maybe it's the yoga, maybe it's the meditation or maybe it's the oils or maybe it's because I'm about to be 35 but I'm done fighting the bad days.  I accept that they will come, they are inevitable and they will make me appreciate the good.  I accept there are days I will feel like I've been dragged behind an 18 wheeler and other days I won't.  

What I know is that each day I have to get up and put one foot in front of the other, pray to God that the day is a good one and breath.  I have to be flexible when things fall apart, or don't go my way or just suck.  I need to realize that I'm walking my own path and that in itself is an incredible journey.  

I hope you don't have a lot of bad days.  I hope if you do that you can let them come and go like waves.  



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