What's What

Happy Day this and thatters!  I hope you are having a fabulous weekend and enjoying the amazing weather....because I am :)  

I also hope you enjoy this edition of what's what!!


1.  Lokai Bracelets

I heard about this amazing bracelets from my doctor.  She was wearing one and when she told me the amazing story behind them I instantly fell in love.  The link is below but just to summarize the bracelet has water from the highest point in the world (Mt. Everest) and mud from the lowest point (the Black Sea).  The whole idea is that the bracelet should remind you of balance.  That in this life there are highs and lows and you will have them both.  I wear mine proudly everyday!  


2.  Turkey Chili

So I love me some chili especially this time of year!  A sweet friend told me about this awesome recipe and I am here to tell you that it is amazing.  Healthy but with tons and tons of flavor.  I would add cumin and not use as much cinnamon for taste purposes :)  If you are looking for a great recipe this is the one for you!

3.  Some Days

I have to tell you that some days I miss my grandfathers and my uncle Jay more than others.  This has been one of those weeks were I would have given anything to be able to hear their voices.  I do hear them in my head and I keep pictures of them in my room so I can see them each day and it helps but it isn't the same.  

I would give anything to be able to ask my Uncle Jay what to do about my life, my career, my house.  I wish I had just one more time to ask my sweetie Pete if I was doing the right thing or more important just have that moment with someone who loved me unconditionally and thought I could no wrong.  

I wish I could hug my Papa just one more time.  When I was little I use to run into his arms and I still remember that feeling.  It was the best feeling in the world.  I've never felt so safe and happy in my life.

I don't know if you guys, who read this blog, ever have those days but I do and they are hard days......


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