These Are My Obsessions

Happy Day this and thatters!!  I hope you and yours are having a great week and staying warm.  


1.  Kyle Richards

I am currently (and have been for a while) obsessed with Kyle Richards.  I feel like if we knew each other we would be friends....I sound like a total stalker.  Ha!  I just love her style, how committed she is to her family and her overall energy.  Each season of RHOBH my girl crush gets bigger!!

2.  Notes on my phone

I am addicted to keeping a running to do list on the notes app of my phone.  It's where I keep my grocery lists, my errands list, blog ideas and all sorts of other things I don't want to forget.  These days if I want to remember it I have to write it down, or in this case type it down, and it really helps me stay organized.  It is also lovely that I can email the hubs the notes that are meant for him.  He loves nothing more than get a grocery list texted to him :)  

3.  Pinterest Recipes

Have been keeping us in meals these days!!  I have been so busy that I don't have a ton of time to be creative with our meals.  I need quick, easy and mindless.  I have found some great ones lately but these have been our favorites by far!

Click here!

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