What's What

Happy Thursday this and thatters! How crazy and unpredictable has the weather been in the ATL?! I'm hoping that sooner or later it stops being so crazy, don't you? To tie all of us over until then enjoy this edition of what's what! xoxo 1. Peter Thomas Roth Oily Problem Skin Instant Mineral Powder (SPF 30) Ladies aren't we always trying to fight the shine!! Especially in the south when it can be super duper humid? I love, love this product by Peter Thomas Roth!! I use it everyday because it is great at giving you a matte finish and also it adds a bit more SPF to my routine. Try it and you won't be sorry!! 2. White Girl Problems If you are looking for a fun, easy read this is the book for you! My friend told me about it this week and I am almost done reading it :) It is like Clueless meets Chelsea Handler so get ready for a hilarious and inappropriate read. You will love, love it. ...