My Top Ten (Part 2)

I am so excited it is Wednesday because that means Dallas comes on tonight!!  :)  I cannot wait to catch up with Ewings and relax. 

Until then please enjoy the second half of my top ten.


5.  Bling

I love, love jewelry always have, always will.  When I was growing up my mom would take me to garage sales and I would find the biggest, gaudiest diamond clip on earrings and come to her with my ears already red from wearing them begging to have them.  She relented more times than not but would always ask me "honey don't your ears hurt?" on the way home.  I think at a young age I realized beauty is pain. 

Real or fake I love, love jewelry and truly it is the only thing I collect!

4.  Vaca

One of my all time favorite things to do is travel.  I read a great quote once that said "The World is a book, and those who do not travel only read one page."  I truly believe that.  I love to get away and explore new places.  I also love, love the mechanics of planning the trip from booking the hotel to finding excursions there is no part of the process I don't love.  I encourage everyone I know to step outside of their comfort zone and go somewhere new and fresh whenever they can.

3.  Music

I am an avid music lover.  I listen to and love it all.  On any given day you can walk in my office and hear classic country or britney spears or the avett bros etc.  I love how music can change the mood, be uplifting, speak to how you are feeling or bring on a good time.  I love going to concerts as well because I thinking listening to a piece of music you love live is such a unique and wonderful experience.  As I'm typing this I'm listening to Waylon Jennings, ha!

2.  Books

As you may know I love to read.  I read all the time and it is truly my escape.  I read everything and don't understand those people that are literary snobs and will only read certain things.  I will read everything and anything.  I love getting book recommendations from people and I love going to the book store and finding great books on my own. 

1.  My Home

I love, love my house, our home.  I love it for a number of reasons but most importantly I love it because it represents not only me but the hubs.  It has been a labor of love and is a constant work in progress but I love the way I feel when I open the door.  I love knowing that at the top of the stairs the hubs and mae will be there asking me about my day.  I love that our home is the place where we got engaged and spent our first night as a married couple.  I love that it has been the constant "thing" in our relationship.  

I know one day we will leave our house and it will break my heart because so many special memories have occurred there.  I will always remember and carry our home in my heart because it was the site of so many firsts.  It isn't perfect and it isn't a designer's showplace but it is all ours and I love that more than anything!


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