Working Girl Rules: Even Though You're Scared....

I have to tell you that I learned a lot about jobs, work and the type of employee I wanted to be from my dad.  For the better part of my life my dad worked from our house and his office/the guest room was right next to mine.  So on any given day I would wake up to his cheery, loud voice saying "Good morning dear."  or "Hey buddy, how are you?"

Let's just say that this wasn't exactly ideal during the summer months but I truly think he helped me learn by osmosis.  He taught me to always be upbeat and happy to the customer even if everything behind the scenes was falling apart.  He taught me that people want to deal with someone who is friendly, social and funny.  He taught me to work hard and then work a little bit harder. 

He taught me one of my most important lesson a few years ago when I was dealing with a very difficult issue at work.  I will spare you the details but I was having to perform a task and execute on a strategy that at the time seemed impossible.  It put me at odds with a ton of people I liked and respected therefore making the whole issue even more difficult.

As I was lamenting all of this to my father one morning (and trying to find a way out of it) he finally cut me off and said "I get it you're afraid.  So just do it afraid."  This was an awakening experience for me akin to the Sex and the City bomb of "He's just not that into you." 

I quickly responded "Wait, what?"  He tried to be patient and again said "I get it you're scared but there is no way out of this so just do it even though you're scared.  You have to do this for work there is no way out so you will just have to do it even though it scares you."  I was driving and literally pulled my car over because it was such a simple, poignant thing to say to me. 

It is something that I have always carried with me because I get scared sometimes about speaking in front of people, or when huge projects come my way, or when I have to face a race I'm running or any number of things.  It is one of those simple, common sense statements that has become near and dear to my heart.

I know there are going to be big, scary, seemingly insurmountable things that you are faced with but you can do them even though your scared.  You might be afraid but you can do them, I promise.  After a while they might not seem as scary so just keep pushing yourself a little bit at a time and if all else fails I'm sure my dad will be happy to call you and remind you to do it even though you're scared.  :)


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