What's On My Nightstand

How are all my pretties today??

I am feeling great today!  This whole running at 6 a.m. thing makes my whole day so much better because I have tons of energy :)

Along with running like a fool I have also been reading like a maniac! 

Enjoy what's on my nightstand!  xoxo

1.  Maine

Ok I love, love this author!  She also wrote a hilarious book called Commencement that you have to read as well.  Maine is a great female story about 4 women in a family.  The author takes turns giving you each of their perspectives and you will crack up at their inner thoughts.  I read this book in one day (that's what happens when you get stuck at the NOLA airport) and you will too! 

2.  America, America

Is such a great book and I have read it many times!  It is the charming story of a young boy who works for a family with wealth and power and is quickly sucked into their world.  He begins working on the family's political campaign and soon gets swept up into all this political oh and he falls in love.  :)

3.  Where We Belong

Like any gal I freaking love Emily Giffin.  She is such a great writer and always writes stories that are beautiful and difficult at the same time.  Her newest book is no different and chronicles a young, professional woman faced with the child she gave up for adoption.  This is a great summer read!


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