What's What

Anybody sportin a big hangover today?!  That's the thing about the 4th being in the middle of the week it makes Thursday and Friday seem like eternity. 

I don't know about you but this gal is back at work and getting lots done.  I am also blogging my little heart out so I hope you enjoy!  xoxo

1.  Andy Griffith Dies

It brings tears to my eyes to even write that sentence fragment.  I have to admit that growing up Mr. Rogers and Andy Griffith seemed like the best men in the world.   They were always polite and did the right thing.  I loved how each episode you learned a very valuable lesson.  I have to tell you that a small part of my childhood died away when Mr. Rogers died and now another has with Andy Griffith dying. 

I will tell you that I learned Mr. Griffith was a whole lot more than Sherrif Taylor he was also a grammy award-winning southern gospel singer....who knew!  I think that makes him even more lovable and fabulous.  It makes me sad that this generation of kids grows up watching The Wizards of Waverly Place instead of The Andy Griffith Show.  Oh well what can you do?  I think I will whistle a little of The Andy Griffith Show theme song to ease my pain :)

2.  The Peachtree Road Race

I have to tell you that I love a family tradition!  The hubs started a new one for our lil family by running the road race this year and I am beaming with pride.  I am so proud of him for taking part in such a great event and even more proud that he didn't insist I do it with him :) 

I created my own tradition that involved mimosas and being supportive from the sidelines and it was a blast! 

3.  Thirsty Thursday

If you know me you know that I love a fun happy hour but for me Thursday is the be all end all of happy hour's.  I am normally pretty lazy and just walk over to Bistro Niko from my office.  It's like my version of Cheers except my tab sometimes rivals that of Norm's. 

In any event I've decided that it's time to shake things up and try something new so I am beyond excited about Pricci's Jazzy Thursdays!  According to their site,


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