What's What

How are my lovely readers on today?! 

I am fabulous because I am heading to NOLA for what is sure to be a super fun wedding and right now I am all about FUN!

Please enjoy What's What and your weekend!  xoxoxo

1.  Banana Republic Cardigan

One of my friends who will remain nameless always makes fun of me and my love of cardigans.  I can't help it call me a librarian, a granny but I freaking love a good cardigan.  I was in banana republic the other day and came across this beautiful, stylish cardigan.  Isn't it pretty?! ;)

2.  Gin Drink

So I don't normally drink liquor and when I do it isn't normally gin but the other day one of my neighbors made the most amazing drink.  He told me it was called a southside and I googled and sure enough there it was.  It is a super easy, delicious drink that I will be sipping on this summer!

2 ounces gin
1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
2 tsp granulated sugar
4 or 5 fresh mint leaves

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.  Shake vigorously and strain into an ice-filled glass.  YUM!

3.  Flip Flop Bracelets

I have to tell you that I am loving me some flip flop bracelets right now!  My bestie handed me some the other day and told me the amazing story about how a group of women in West Africa collect worn out flip flop, melt the plastic down and draw it into colorful loops.  I think these bracelets are super cute and tell a great story as well!  I have mine stacked on as I type this.  You can find them at paper source if you are interested!



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