What's What

How are my fabulous readers??

I must apologize for my absence but I took a short beach vacation (yes another one) and had no cell phone service (thank goodness)!  But don't you worry my little hiatus has given me lots and lots to think about and write about you.

Please enjoy this week's what's what!


1.  Political Animals

Is a new show starting on USA tomorrow night and this political junkie can't wait to watch it.  I'm trying to add new shows to my repertoire that don't include the word "wives" in them.  This show has a great cast and seems like it will be fast passed maybe I can even convince the hubs to watch :)

2.  Nike Running Shorts

So the hubs signed us up for a 4 mile race this weekend and as I was training this week my chubby little thighs kept rubbing together.  I had to solve this problem immediately and wouldn't you know it that Nike had the answer.  I love, love this shorts with the bike shorts already built in and I slugged through my run chafe free!!

3.  Sushi at Houstons on West Paces Ferry

I love sushi and eat it often but one of my besties Amy has turned me onto the sushi at the Houstons off West Paces Ferry and I'm a bit obsessed.  It is so fresh and just a bit of a twist on the traditional sushi I normally eat.  My favorite roll is the thai crunch and I have literally gone there twice this week to get it!  


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