Who Knows You Better Than Me?

This is a question the hubs and I ask each other all the time :)

It's because when you live with someone you can't hide....ANYTHING!  And I think that's a good thing.  The hubs knows tons of things about me that I wish no one knew.   He knows the crazy things I do when I think I'm alone and he knows me the real me, the me I wish sometimes was better or stronger.  The hubs knows it all and I thank God everyday he doesn't blog :)

The other day he was laughing about the silly, quirky, sometimes downright odd things I do and I have to admit they were pretty good.  In short I have shared my SSB with him. 

Remember that Sex and the City episode where Carrie talks about SSB....your single secret behavior?  Well my friends when you've lived with someone for a while you can take the two S's off!  It's just your behavior that happens when you feel at your most comfortable.   

So for your reading pleasure here is my not so secret married behavior :)

Enjoy!  xoxo

1.  I Walk Around With My Shoes On

Soo I don't know about you but when I get a new pair of shoes I like to break 'em in.  This means I walk around the house in my pi's, workout clothes or "house" clothes in sky high heels.  I want to know how comfortable (or let's be real uncomfortable) the shoes I recently purchased are.  I also do a little tap dancing on the driveway because I don't want to slip and fall.  At first the hubs thought this was crazy but now he is prepared and amused by this behavior.  So don't be surprised if you drive by my house to see me in nike running shorts and jimmy choos.....just sayin!

2.  My "House" Clothes

Soo I have certain clothes I only wear around the house....I call them my house clothes.  These items are the following (but not limited to) XL patagonia shorts with paint on them acquired from somewhere (don't judge), XL frat t-shirts with holes in the armpits (again no judgements please),  knock off UGG slippers and a very old Ralph Lauren bathrobe that has seen its better day.  I only wear these pieces of clothing when I'm super hungover, super depressed or when I'm sick the rest of the time I hide them deep away in my closet.  The hubs knows when he sees these pieces of clothing that something is wrong, very wrong and he normally takes cover...I married a smart man :)

3.  Over served

The hubs also has the pleasure (or curse) of dealing with me when I'm over served.  This is normally something I reserve just for him.  Now don't get me wrong I get over served when we go out and it's perfect because I can always explain that I was over served by the bartender of course.  I love this because is absolves me of all guilt, responsibility, knowledge etc.  He still has to deal with me and get me safely home...bless his heart!  

But on the regular he gets to deal with me drinking wine at night and feeling silly.  My favorite thing to do is drink wine with him on our back porch.  We sit amongst my flowers, listen to country music and solve all the world's problems.  

When I start repeating stories he knows I'm done (I hate that I give myself away) and it's time for bed.  The hubs walks me upstairs and continues to listen to my mindless chatter.  I wake up the next day and ask him "Did I do anything wrong?"  He of course reassures me that no I did not and we just had the best time.  I love him for that!  

Soo I know every guy I dated who might read this is relieved that he dodged "that bullet".  Haha!  But to be honest with you that's how I know the hubs loves me to the moon and back.  He loves me and all of me...for better or worse.  He is the man I prayed for, wished for and God sent him to me.  He loves me in spite of myself :)

So this is a bit of a love letter to him.  To thank him for accepting me when I can't accept myself, to thank him for loving me when I don't love myself and for putting up with my not so secret, not so single, behavior!


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