Thank You

Hello beautiful!  How are you?

Wow!  I must have struck a nerve with my post yesterday on constructive criticism :)  You guys blew up my email with stories, thoughts, praise etc.  It really is an amazing experience to put a thought/idea out there and then have people respond.  It is the best reward I could ever receive.  

You guys did ask for another post on constructive criticism and you will get it but I do want to think about it some more.  I never want to just throw a post out there that isn't meaningful and well thought out.  So stay tuned I will be blogging on criticism very soon.  

I just want to thank you guys for your feedback, all of it.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  I put things out there and sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it and that's ok.  My hope is that I'm not the only one going through experiences or having certain situations.  It is therapeutic for me and I hope for you for me to put it all out there.  

The one thing I will say is don't ever let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams!  If you want to start a blog, start a blog if you want to go to the moon, go to the moon.  Don't let fear, or what people might think, stop you from doing what you want to do!  

You are special, you are meant to inspire others and do great things!  xoxo


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