
Good morning cuties?  How are you? 

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and enjoyed being with family and friends! 

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and 2nd Anniversary last week.  I can't believe the hubs and I have been married for two years!  Crazy how time flies!

Every year the hubs and I have a tradition of taking a trip for our Anniversary which just happens to fall on Thanksgiving week.  We were gone for Thanksgiving during our honeymoon, last year we went to Aspen and this year we went to Vail.  While it is a bit odd to be away from our families on a holiday it is also a special tradition for us. 

There is some practicality behind it given that we both get two days off that week so we really only miss 3 work days but there is also some tradition behind it as well.  I think when you get married, become a couple etc. it is important for you to create your own traditions.  This was something our very wise preacher (who married us and gave us excellent marriage counseling) told us.  I really took this to heart.  So on Thanksgiving we take a trip. 

We also take trips throughout the year.  Traveling and going on vacation are two of my favorite things.  I think it is so important to get out there and see places and things you've never seen before.  I feel like it broadens your horizons in a way nothing else can.  I also love the idea of vacationing or how I feel about it, vacating your life for a bit.  For me it's important to get away, connect with loved ones and just be Caroline again.  I like not being pulled in 20 different directions or being beholden to my blackberry. 

These trips and vacations make me a better wife, sister, daughter, friend and employee.  Because when I come back I am so thankful for my little life, my routine and the day to day things.  I hope last week left you thankful, renewed and excited for the holiday season to come! 



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