Working Girl Rules: What Works For You

How are my lovely readers doing this week? 

I have been busy trying to get ready to leave town next week!  What are you doing for Thanksgiving.  As we all countdown to the holiday please enjoy this edition of working girl rules.  xoxo

Work has been pretty crazy lately for me, has it for you?  I think it's because it's close to the end of the year and everyone is trying to get things off their plate. 

Yesterday as I was answering emails I got a phone call from one of my sweetest friends.  She was struggling with being very sick and the guilt of not being at work because she was sick.  My friend is like most women, she has guilt.  Guilt about not being able to be all things, to all people, all of the time.

I talked to my friend for an hour and what I realized is that she was being entirely too hard on herself.  She is working herself to the point of sickness and that isn't good.  No matter how much you love your job you have to have a balance between your work life and your home life.  My friend, like all of us, is glued to her phone and works way more than 8 hours a day yet she felt guilty about being sick! 

I have been there!  I have felt like my best wasn't good enough and I should do my job, better, faster or exactly like my boss does it.  What I figured out after lots of chasing my tail, lots of soul searching is how you approach work begins and ends with how you feel about yourself. 

If you are a people pleaser by nature then at work you will do the same.  When I finally figured out that I couldn't be anyone but me at work, I relaxed, I became more effective and I enjoyed working a heck of a lot more.  I'm not saying you can't have mentors or shouldn't learn from others.  What I am saying is that you can't work like anyone else but you. 

You have to find what works for you.  Maybe you are a morning person so coming in at 7 a.m. works for you (it wouldn't for me).  Maybe you need to put the blackberry down at 8 p.m. no matter what.  What is important is to identify who you are at your job and then set appropriate boundaries.  Never forget that your health, happiness and family come guilt!! 

So do what works for you and see if you find real happiness, peace and success at your job!


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