Working Girl Rules: Constructive Criticism

Hello lovelies!  I thought it was high time for a working girl rules post.  I have had this one in my head for a while now and I am excited to share it!  Enjoy.  xoxo

Is it just me or does the term "constructive criticism" seem to be a nice way of saying I'm about to blow your fing doors off? 

For better or worse, in life, in business and in relationships from time to time you are going to get criticism.  Sometimes it is helpful and much needed and other times it can feel like an arrow straight to the heart. 

I subscribe to theory that if you are hurting, uncomfortable etc. then you are growing.  That you are in the process of being moved out of your comfort zone and to a  different/new/better place.  Obviously this is a very hard thing to remember when someone is telling you something you don't want to hear. 

At work we all have reviews, peer input etc.  At some point in that process you are going to hear what you do well and what you need to improve on.  I try to look at this whole process as the glass half full.  No one is perfect and everyone is always going to have things they could improve on. 

I can tell you that I need to be a better listener, work on being too aggressive when I think I'm right, not sweating the small stuff and continue to improve my public speaking.  And this is just the short list.  The list of what I do well is really long (I kid, I kid).  I think being honest with yourself is important and then coming up with a plan on how to improve on your weaknesses is even important.  It is how you constantly grow and hopefully advance to the next level. 

The hubs and I are even experiencing constructive criticism in our cool-cat venture.  It's funny that you can meet with one store/retailer and they love what we are doing think it's awesome etc.  Then the next day we might meet with someone else who has great feedback but isn't as excited about cool-cat.  I don't sweat it!  I believe you have to take in all the information because it's important and then you have to keep moving forward.  I tell the hubs "let you haters be your motivators" and he looks at me like I'm insane :)

That's ok!  When you truly believe in yourself, your work, your project etc. even not so constructive criticism will roll off your back.  Take it with a grain of salt and keep it moving. 

Everyone is going to have an opinion about you, your work product etc. and that's great but the most important opinion is the one you have of yourself...never forget that! 


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