The Power of Positive Thinking

How are the this and thatters today?!

I miss you guys!  I have to tell you that I've been a busy bee lately but I am getting my blogging groove back, so don't you worry :)

This Sunday was kinda cold and dreary and I was a bit tired from cheering on the Dawgs, where you?  So the hubs headed out to church and I sat down to watch Oprah's Life Class with Joel Osteen. 

I really like Joel Osteen (I know he isn't every one's cup of tea) but I think he has a strong and powerful message about being positive and lifting people up.  I think his premise that most of us are beaten down by the world and that God should be the place where we are uplifted is very inspiring.

Mostly what hit me was his message about thinking positive.  He made a great point that the normal tape that plays in our head isn't positive it says things like "I'm broke"  "I need to lose weight"  "I'm lonely".  His premise is that thinking this way will only perpetuate your current situation. 

Instead he suggested being positive, even when it's difficult.  For me I think a lot "I'm so afraid!"  but inspired by Joel and Oprah my mantra this week has been "I'm so brave!"  It's amazing how changing your thinking really does change your attitude and your outlook.  Now every time I start to think something that might not be positive I flip it around.  For instance I was saying "I'm tired" over and over and it made me even more tired.  So now I'm trying to say things like "I'm going to feel refreshed once I get my second wind." 

This all my sound real easy or corny but don't knock it till you try it!  This past week instead of putting myself down, I've been building myself up and I feel amazing.  That doesn't mean that my life is perfect and I am facing no problems but it does mean that my outlook is much improved.

I will leave you with a final thought, Oprah told the audience that every day when she wakes up she says "Thank You!".  She praises God for the day, for being alive and for all of her blessing before she even gets out of bed!  How incredible is that.  Most mornings I'm just trying to get out of bed, find an outfit that matches and find some caffeine.  So a few mornings this week when I remembered to do it I thanked God for the new day and my blessings!

And I have to say it got my day off to an amazing start!  I may not know you personally but I do know that you are God's amazing gift and that he loves you just the way you are.  So trying loving yourself just the way you are to as the ultimate gift/honor to Him. 



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