New Years Resolutions: Friend or Foe?
Hey there beautiful! How are you today? I just got done working out (I know I can't believe it either) and now am catching up on emails, doing laundry and waiting on the hubs to get back from crossfit. As I was running I got to thinking about New Years Resolutions. I think that resolutions are made with the best of intentions but more often times than not end up making us feel bad about ourselves. Everyone pledges to themselves on January 1 to be slimmer, richer and the best version of themselves. And most people stick to their guns until about February or March. At the gym I go to (I've belonged for years) you can count on the gym and the gym classes being a nightmare until about mid February and then everything goes back to normal. It's so crazy! For years I've watched the phenomena occur and thought maybe it won't happen this year but each year it does. I think we all need New Years Resolutions as somewhat of a reset button for our l...